Killer Instinct

The Remarkable Use of Descriptiveness
By Daniel Song

           I recently finished reading the book, Killer Instinct, by author Jennifer Lynn Barnes. This book is the second book in the Naturals series, but if you haven't read the previous book, no need to worry as starting at this book is completely fine. The basis of this book takes place in modern day America. The series begins when the FBI begin an elite program enlisting teens with innate crime-solving abilities. These children are forced to help the FBI solve crime, particularly finding serial killers. The story goes on about specific scenarios where crime solving was necessary, but what I found particularly interesting was the authors descriptiveness on the mind of serial killers.

              In the story, there are parts where they realize that in order to catch a killer, you need to think like one. These sections in particular are insightful as I had never thought about life that way. As well as providing a new perspective on killers, they also explained the thought process behind one. They explain that disorganized killers are loners, rejected by society. They tend to have poor social-skills, and lots of pent up anger. They also explain that organized killers usually are articulate, confident, and comfortable in most situations. They tend to be intelligent, but narcissistic. One other topic covered well in this book are the modus operandi (MO) of killers. The MO of killers are usually their mark, or what they always do to every victim that signifies their style.

              As well as the detail provided, an even better example of this are the perspective changes throughout the book. Although the majority of the book is in the third person perspective of the teens in the FBI program, every once in a while, the view will change to the first-person perspective of the serial killer themselves, but only for a page. This is one quote in particular that I find fascinating: "At first, it felt good. Watching the life go out of her eyes. Running your thumb across the bloodstained knife. Standing over her, your heartbeat accelerating, pounding out to a glorious rhythm." Quotes like these really solidify the foundation of my understanding of serial killers.

              In my opinion, this book is a interesting novel with a captivating storyline, something I would recommend to everyone. It mixes suspense into a normal realistic fiction novel, really enchanting anyone who reads it. Overall, would give 10/10 for the immersive feeling this book provides.


  1. Good job on this blog post. I like how you pointed out things about the book you found interesting instead of just talking about what the story is about, like the idea of being in the mind of a serial killer, which sounds really interesting. Great job!

  2. The Naturals series sounds interesting, and I liked how the blog was concise but descriptive. This book sounds sophisticated, with the 1st and 3rd person perspective changes. The quote also helped me get a general idea of the mood of the book. Overall, great post!

  3. I think you explained the topics covered in the book well. I appreciate that you did not just write a large summary and instead wrote about specific parts of the book you liked, and then using many examples from the text to go into further detail. I also really liked how you brought your points together in the conclusion while adding some of your personal opinions. Good job.


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